Building & Contents

Insurance for Your Business’s Building & Contents

Your place of work is where you create, manage, sell and more. With it, you find success. Without it, you risk short-term closure or complete dissolution. Protect your business’s building and your contents with a tailored commercial property insurance policy.

Our independent insurance professionals have decades of experience serving business owners in the Austin area. We know the risks that come with working in Central Texas, and we also have seen many unexpected losses arise for past customers. Let us use our history to help create a customized business insurance portfolio that protects your commercial property.

The Basics of Commercial Property Insurance

A commercial property insurance policy covers you for losses relating to a fire, explosion, theft, vandalism, among other things. It includes two separate coverages: building and contents.

Building Coverage: What’s Included

  • The building
  • Outdoor signage
  • Fences
  • Landscaping
  • Outdoor storage

Contents Coverage: What’s Included

  • Furniture
  • Computer equipment
  • Documents
  • Inventory

It is important that you understand that flooding is not a protected event under a basic commercial property policy. If you want protection in the event of flooding, you will need to purchase a separate flood insurance policy.

Actual Cash Value vs. Replacement Cost: How to Choose

Your premiums for a building & contents policy will depend greatly on whether you choose replacement value or actual cash value coverage. Replacement value enables you to replace your lost item with a similar item at full value. Actual cash value, on the other hand, takes into account depreciation. So replacing an item you bought several years ago will likely result in a lower payout.

As a result of the lower coverage, actual cash value is often the cheaper option. Whether it is the best option for you, however, is something you should discuss with your independent insurance agent.

Discuss Your Business Property Insurance Needs With Our Team

Whether you own a professional services building, run a beauty salon or operate a manufacturing facility, your business depends on your ability to perform in your business’s location. Insure that location, and everything you store within it, to the fullest extent possible.

Contact our team at Central Insurance for a free building & contents insurance quote. We will shop across numerous insurance companies to review policies and premiums on your behalf. We will then report back with your best options, allowing you to make the choice for the best coverage your business deserves. Email us or call us at 512-451-6551 today.

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