Employment Practices Liability (EPL)
Austin, Texas, Insurance Agency for EPL Insurance
It is a sign of success when your small business becomes large enough to have a growing number of employees. Although this is a positive indicator, an increase in employees can bring with it an increase in problems related to employee, some of which could be costly. At this stage, it makes sense to investigate employment practices liability (EPL) insurance. This type of business insurance policy can protect a business against the risk associated with lawsuits brought by employees who believe their rights were violated.
The insurance professionals at Central Insurance can answer your questions about coverage for employment practices liability. As an independent agency offering policies from multiple companies, we are able to offer customers business insurance coverage at the best price that is affordable for their specific situations. We are also able to bundle some of business coverage to save you money while providing your company with protection against employee claims.
Coverage Examples
Employment practices liability insurance can cover your company in the event an employee files a lawsuit alleging illegal actions such as:
- Breach of employment contract
- Discrimination because of race, religion, gender, disability, and other protected statuses
- Failure to promote
- Negligent evaluation
- Sexual harassment
Wrongful termination, wrongful demotion or wrongful discipline
The cost of a policy that can protect you in the event of charges such as these varies according to factors that include the number of employees, the type of business and whether employees have previously brought similar claims against your business. Another factor in the cost of EPL coverage is whether the protection is part of a separate policy, a rider, or a feature of a general business policy.
What EPL Insurance Covers
If an employee files a lawsuit against you, the insurance will cover the company’s legal costs, whether it wins or loses the case. It also covers ay any judgments or negotiated settlements. Most policies do not cover the costs of punitive damages or criminal fines. They also do not cover OSHA violations, Fair Labor Standards Act (FSLA) violations, workers’ compensation violations, or pay for expenses arising from strikes or other labor disputes.
Contact Central Insurance About Employment Practices Liability Insurance
To learn more about EPL insurance, contact Central Insurance at 512.451.6551 or send an email to connect with an experienced agent. We offer free quotations and insurance advice to employers interested in this important business-related coverage.